Daily Prayers with the Saints

saint praying

Experience the friendship and spiritual guidance of hundreds of saints, one for each day of the year.

Daily Prayers with the Saints

If you desire to grow in holiness, the prayers given here will point you in the right direction, and the saints will lead you by the hand and never let go!

What do you need prayer support for? Find a Saint to pray with you!

Need spiritual guidance? Find Saints according their patronages!

What’s your birthday? Or anniversary? Find a Saint and a prayer for that day!

This book includes an index where you can look up Saints by patronage.

Or sign up to  receive one prayer a day all year long!

  • Order the PDF ebook, updated in 2024, from Catholic Digital Resources using the form below, 107pp $5.00.
  • Order the original 1999 paperback book from Queenship Publishing, 188 pp.  $7.95 + shipping

Here’s a sample from the book:

January 1
Mary, Mother of God (blessing the New Year)

Heavenly Father, You blessed the Virgin Mary with the fullness of grace. She is my model of faith, hope, and love. I give this new year to her intercession and ask for her holy prayers. Place my needs into the protection of her motherly love. With her help, I want my faith to grow. Give me an increase in the virtue of hope when troubles tempt me to despair. Guide me in understanding Your infinite love. And join my heart, dear Lord, to the Holy Mother’s Immaculate Heart, so that I may improve in loving everyone unconditionally, in imitation of my Savior Jesus. Amen.

“Already my book is helping! I sent the prayer to Saint Alexius (patron saint of the homeless, July 17) to a friend whose ex-husband was homeless, and a day later he had a home to live in! Praise the Lord and thank you Saint Alexius!” (Terry Modica, August 26, 1999, while writing the book.)

Daily Prayers with the Saints

Daily Prayers with the Saints


Fill out this form to download the 107-page PDF ebook. Suggested donation: US$5.00 (see additional form below) to keep this ministry going.

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About the Author:

While growing up Protestant, Terry Modica developed a relationship with Jesus. After the Holy Spirit led her to the Catholic Church, she struggled for several years to understand what role Mary and the saints should have in her life. Then, she experienced a miraculous overnight devotion to the Blessed Mother. Soon after, she began to read about the saints: starting with Padre Pio, St. Frances and St. Clare, and then St. Teresa of Avila. Through studying their lives, these residents of Heaven have become, in a way, her spiritual directors and close friends.

Terry Modica wrote this devotional handbook, because: “Those who love you for His sake…will never desert you.” (St. Teresa, The Way of Perfection, Chap. IX, 3). This book was inspired by the love that saints have for us. They will come to our aid when we need prayer support and encouragement.

See also our other resources on the Saints >>

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Judy Cain
Judy Cain
May 1, 2022 1:06 pm

Proverbs 4:23-27 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.

May the Lord bless the Good News Ministries for the followers of Christ to keep up the diligence and love in their hearts for others in sharing the teachings and blessings of Christ always.

Alana mussio
Alana mussio
October 2, 2020 8:24 pm

I wish I could buy this but can’t. I will like to get the one with the saints. Can you send me it on my phone every day so I use it when I am doing my morning prayers? Thank you and God bless your continued work.